I wore my favourite inspired Chanel Tweed Jacket from Zara yesterday. You may have already seen the other pieces of this outfit paired with other clothes. Just trying to mix and match them to create a new outfit as I can't keep buying new clothing. We went to supermarket to buy food for which I normally don't dress up like this but it was a good chance to take some outfit photos when going out, so I just seized the opportunity. I wish I can wear like this to work in the office rather than being a housewife. After my husband came back from work, we went to the sport centre if you watched my IG's stories. It was really nice weather with sun. My husband likes running and I didn't run as I don't like to, so I just walked around with Tiki. Then we came back home and I cooked the dinner like usual. This is our simple life.

Your beautiful jacket by Zara is something to die for.I have been searching something like this since so long and you just solved my problem.